The Central Bank of Congo in collaboration with AFRACA, under the chairmanship of Mr. Dieudonné Fikir Alimasi, Chairperson of AFRACA, and First Deputy Governor, Banque de la Republic du Congo organized a Strategic Forum on Revitalizing the Rural economy and Agricultural Sector in the DRC from 4-8 November 2024 in Kinshasa, DR Congo. The Forum, which incorporated both conference and training programmes, brought together stakeholders from financial institutions such as central banks, commercial banks, microfinance institutions, cooperative organizations, the African Development Bank as well as state agencies such as ministries of Agriculture and fisheries, rural development, and digitalization. The Workshop assembled experts within and outside the continent such as the Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA). The experts across the continent of Africa came from Kenya, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Burundi Ghana, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Benin, and Cameroon. In total more than 80 participants attended the Forum and 60 delegates attended the Training on Digitalization of Financial Services. During the Conference, discussions centered on stakeholder interventions in rural finance, digital transformation, and alternative financing models, including crowdfunding. The forum concluded with Breakout group sessions which developed recommendations for enhancing MSME access to finance, government facilitation, and fostering public-private partnerships.
The forum concluded with a roadmap outlining short- and long-term interventions and recommendations for the establishment of a national multi-stakeholder steering committee to guide efforts in revitalizing DRC’s rural economy and agricultural sector. The Conference urged Banque Centrale du Congo to follow up with the relevant authorities. A specialized training program highlighted best practices in delivering digital financial services and leveraging technology to improve access to finance in rural areas. Sessions included case studies on digital solutions and innovative approaches from across Africa. The forum and training underscored the importance of collaboration among stakeholders to address the challenges in rural and agricultural finance. It emphasized the need for innovative financial solutions, capacity building, and policy interventions to achieve sustainable growth.