rural and agriculturalfinance

Regional Conference on Financial & Agricultural Risk Management

Theme: New trends and Developments in Managing Agricultural Risks in a post-pandemic -COVID era. Introduction Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) and the role of financial institutions  Smallholder farmers in Africa are often highly vulnerable to farm risks and uncertainties. The range of risks affecting farming households are wide- ranging from difficulties in acquiring farm inputs to major weather-related risks such as drought, floods, windstorms and hail. Inherent risks such as production risks, price and market-related risks just to name a few, remain dominant. The...

WEBINAR: Access to Finance for Empowering Women in Small Scale Fisheries Value Chain

In response to AFRACA’s ongoing work with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on Financing Fisheries in Africa. Together with our partners who comprise of Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Global Network for Capacity Building to increase Access of Small-scale Fisheries to Financial Services (CAFI-SSF), and Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific (NEDAC) we will co-organize an interesting webinar discussion on Access to...
