
18th Annual Global Microfinance Forum

In-person, Czech Republic

The current post-pandemic economic environment has significantly changed the microfinance sector: MFIs’ operations, portfolio, and liquidity, as well as ways of cooperation and information exchange with the other microfinance stakeholders. Many financial markets see the changing value...

DIG4RAF Practitioner-Led Training Workshop

Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya

Digital financial platforms are an essential part of the digitalization agenda developed to enhance financial inclusion in developing countries. At the forefront of the digitalization agenda are FinTechs, AgTech companies...

Regional Conference on Financial & Agricultural Risk Management

Bujumbura, Burundi

Theme: New trends and Developments in Managing Agricultural Risks in a post-pandemic -COVID era. Introduction Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) and the role of financial institutions  Smallholder farmers in Africa are...