A paradigm Shift in Lending to Smallholder Farmers: The Potential of Geomapping Technology

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A paradigm Shift in Lending to Smallholder Farmers: The Potential of Geomapping Technology

janvier 25, 2022 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm UTC+0 at VIRTUAL

Join our partner, Small Foundation et Palladium as they launch their report, “A Paradigm Shift in Lending to Smallholder Farmers: The Potential of Geomapping Technology.”

The report highlights more on geomapping technology, benefits, opportunities and challenges that have led to its slow adoption by various stakeholders.

What opportunities exist in geomapping for financial and environment stakeholders and how can we promote its uptake?

Join this thrilling discussion and share your thoughts on this great topic.

Registration currently ongoing at: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/a-paradigm-shift-in-lending-to-smallholders-the-potential-of-geomapping-tickets-223550033167


Date :
janvier 25, 2022
Heure :
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm UTC+0
Catégorie d’évènement:



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