Deadline: 6ème August 2021

The Centre for Financial Inclusion will host the 7ème financial inclusion week from 1-4 November 2021. This year’s theme, “Inclusive Finance: Driving Prosperity in an Era of Uncertainty” is based on the ongoing impact of COVID to financial service providers. The financial Inclusion week will bring together different financial actors across the globe to share their experiences/lessons on how they continued restructuring loans, providing information on the health crisis as well as how they continued to support their clients I.e rural small holder farmers and new innovations.

Last year, AFRACA held a webinar for its member institutions to take stock of some of the responses by its members on the difficult balancing act of extending financial services to a vulnerable population ravaged by COVID 19. Notably, some of the central banks enhanced consumer protection laws by temporarily suspending negative Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) listing; commercial banks supported AgriSMEs maintain their livelihoods and partnered with various governments to support the healthcare system.

Financial service providers (fintechs, microfinance institutions, commercial banks, international development organizations, investors, governments, academic/researchers etc) are therefore invited to submit session proposals on the following topics:

  1. Climate change and the role of financial inclusion in mitigation and adaptation efforts
  2. Government to person payments, including opportunities and risks of rapid digitalization
  3. Consumer protection in the digital era, including new tools for monitoring and supervising risks
  4. Financial health, including building resilience and financial capability
  5. Data for financial services, including opportunities and potential risks
  6. Rise of fintechs, platforms, and embedded finance and their role in inclusive finance

To submit your proposal, please visit: