The Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions will convene its 11th biennial conference themed, “Promoting Digital Finance and COVID Resilient Financial Services Towards the Achievement of Financial Inclusion” The conference will…
Voir les détails »Join our partner, Small Foundation and Palladium as they launch their report, “A Paradigm Shift in Lending to Smallholder Farmers: The Potential of Geomapping Technology.” The report highlights more on…
Voir les détails »AFRACA through its ongoing MDF Project on Kenya Fisheries (Financing innovation for sustainable fisheries in Kenya – Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi) will convene a stakeholders public participation workshop to discuss the…
Voir les détails »Are you a manager at a financial institution or stakeholder promoting inclusive finance by developing financial products and services for the agriculture sector? ADA (Appui au développement autonome), the Ministry…
Voir les détails »Are you a producer, processor, investor, researcher and policymaker involved in aquaculture in the UK and in Africa? Join this exciting webinar that brings different stakeholders along the value chain…
Voir les détails »The Africa Saccos conference is an annual conference which recognizes the role savings & credit co-operatives in Africa. Key stakeholders among them central banks, technology providers, microfinance institutions, insurance companies,…
Voir les détails »Are you a financial service provider deploying digital finance, policy maker, implementer and investor in the field digital finance solutions, development partners, academicians, public and private funders, representatives from Fintech…
Voir les détails »Congratulations to our member GIRSAL for the launch of its public-private partnership platform that aims to boost efforts towards agricultural transformation in Ghana and promote continued engagements amongst different stakeholders,…
Voir les détails »The TAG Microinsurance Association, Munich Re Foundation and and FinProbity Solutions with support from Pensions and Insurance Authority (PIA), Financial Sector Deepening Zambia (FSD Zambia) and the Microinsurance Network will…
Voir les détails »Since the 2018 Sustainable Blue Economy Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya the Government has continued with its commitments in hastening development through various initiatives such as: Agriculture Sector Development Support…
Voir les détails »