CSW68 – AFRACA/FAO Side event on Alternatives to Collateral and Women’s Financial Inclusion (Virtual)

We are excited to welcome you at this upcoming online event happening alongside the sixty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which will take place from 11 to 22 March 2024 in New York. In attendance will be representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world. AFRACA will organize this webinar together with our partner, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 13th March 2024; 15:00...

WEBINAR: Access to Finance for Empowering Women in Small Scale Fisheries Value Chain

In response to AFRACA’s ongoing work with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on Financing Fisheries in Africa. Together with our partners who comprise of Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Global Network for Capacity Building to increase Access of Small-scale Fisheries to Financial Services (CAFI-SSF), and Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific (NEDAC) we will co-organize an interesting webinar discussion on Access to...

AGRA and PAFO Partner to Support Smallholder Farmers in Africa

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the Pan African Farmers Organization (PAFO) have signed a partnership agreement to strengthen capacities of African farmer’s organizations by providing efficient services to small holder farmers especially youth and women. AGRA will support farmer organizations drive policy issues affecting them by scaling them at national, regional, and continental level. The policy issues to be tackled will be aligned to the Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard and the Malabo declaration which provide a...

The African Microfinance Week (SAM 2021)

Theme: Resilience, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the African Inclusive Finance Sector SAM is the biggest microfinance event in Africa which takes place every two years in an African country. SAM provides a neutral platform for knowledge exchange on microfinance issues in the continent by bringing all stakeholders together. Previous SAM conferences have been held in Arusha, Tanzania; Dakar, Senegal; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. AFRACA was one of the organizers in the 2019 African Microfinance Week. Objectives of the SAM...

How did you Experience the AFRACA Network in 2020?

Dear AFRACA Member/Partner We appreciate your continued support over the last years, and we would like to hear from you especially on our performance in 2020 as we transition our work in line with the new Strategic Plan. Last year, despite the impact of Covid 19, we continued to engage with you in our network activities mainly online and very limited physical ones in some cases. This year, our intention is to improve our value proposition to you as our member /partner. We...

Exploring Networks as a Powerful Mechanism for Impact: Africa Rural and Agricultural Credit Association Case Study

Locally led multi-stakeholder networks, such as the Africa Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA), play a critical role in strengthening business ecosystems by bringing their members together to address complex systemic challenges. They have the potential to deliver significant impact by aligning key actors who are committed to strengthening financial systems and resources, and increasing the income generating opportunities needed to improve the lives of people living in extreme poverty in rural sub-Saharan Africa. This case study provides...