
AfDB Call for Proposals: Enhancing Women Entrepreneurship Enablers for Stronger Women SMEs in Africa

Deadline: 30th May 2021 The African Development Bank (AfDB) under its flagship project, Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) aims to bridge $42 billion financing gap for women entrepreneurs in Africa by leveraging on the Bank’s financial instruments through the AFAWA Guarantee for Growth, an innovative mechanism derisking women entrepreneurs and enhancing Financial Institutions’ appetite in lending to Women Small and Medium Enterprises (WSMEs). These financial mechanisms are supported by the Bank through technical assistance to financial institutions and WSMEs...

Agriculture Finance Coaching Programme

The Coaching Programme was launched in 2017 by ADA and FAO (under the Capacity Building in Rural Finance (CABFIN), a partnership comprising the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the German Society for International Co-operation (GIZ), the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the World Bank, the World Food Programme (WFP)) in 2017 with two initial pilots – a national pilot...

Exploring Innovative Financial Services for Rural Women’s Livelihoods

The core of agricultural production is usually in rural areas where there is availability of land for farming. Rural women are highly engaged in agriculture and play critical roles across good systems unfortunately they continue to be disproportionately poor and financially underserved with only few financial service providers responding to their specific needs. How can rural women be supported to increase their incomes and resilience? Increasing women’s returns to labour Women face competing demands on their time and unequal access to resources such...

Agricultural Finance Corporation to support women-led Enterprises

The Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) in its Programme, Women Affirmative Access Window which promotes financial inclusion in agrifinance will in the next nine months extend Ksh. 1 billion loan to women agripreneurs in Kenya. Women will not be required to provide collaterals as a guarantee to get funding which is usually a big hindrance to access funding especially from financial institutions. AFC’s loan portfolio is at Ksh. 8.7 billion and only 25% of the recipient are women hence the new directive...