
SPECIAL WEBINAR SERIES ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE AFRICAN FINANCIAL SECTOR: A Post COP28 Dialogue: What are the key takeaways for the African financial sector.

Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A) and Climate Finance and Investment Accelerator Limited (CFIA), in partnership with the African Financial Alliance on Climate Change (AFAC) invites you to a post COP28 Dialogue. During the session entitled ‘A Post COP28 Dialogue: What are the key takeaways for the African financial sector? high level panelists will share their insights and views on the discussions held during the summit and will shed light on the nuanced financial implications for Africa in the aftermath of COP28. The...

Opinion: Why Central Banks Care about Climate Change

By Dr. Alfred Hanning, Executive Director Alliance for Financial Inclusion Central banks tend not to be seen as innovative climate change pioneers, but as extreme weather events continue to undermine economic stability, real change is afoot. In the global south — where populations tend to be the most exposed and least equipped to cope with the ongoing climate emergency — financial powerhouses are shrugging off their conservative image and promoting new developments in sustainable and green finance. Better known as Inclusive Green...