- Background Information
The African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA) is an association (regional network) of financial institutions involved in providing financial services to the rural population in Africa. AFRACA is a oneāstop heterogeneous network of over 110 members, spread across the African Continent. Membership is open and consists but not limited to the following categories of institutions: Central Banks; Central Bank similar institutions; Agricultural and Development Banks; Commercial Banks; Microfinance Institutions; Apex Organizations such as Microfinance Networks and SACCOs; Universities; Training Institutions and Research Institutions; Insurance organizations; Ministries and Ministerial agencies dealing in poverty reduction with focus on rural and agricultural development.
AFRACA was founded in 1977 with its Secretariat based in Nairobi, Kenya. The concept of Regional Agricultural Credit Associations (RACAs) originated from the FAO sponsored Regional Seminar on Agricultural Credit for Small farmers held in Accra, Ghana in 1973. Subsequently, the World Food Conference on credit for small farmers in developing countries held in Rome in 1975 recommended that FAO should assist its member countries to establish such associations in different parts of the world. This resulted in the creation of three regional credit associations: African Regional Credit Association (AFRACA), Near East, North Africa Agricultural Credit Association (NENARACA) and the Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA) and later a similar Association – Latin American Association of Development Financial Institutions (ALIDE) was established for the Latin America Region.
African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association was established with the following broad objectives:
- Facilitate promulgation of policy and legal frameworks for rural/agricultural financial services development in Africa;
- Facilitate demand driven capacityābuilding initiatives for enhancing the skills of professional staff and member institutions through cross learning and centers of excellence;
- Support and enhance innovative financial services, delivery methodologies that increase outreach, improve the performance of member institutions that allow significant funding to reach various stages of the value chains in Africa;
- Initiate and support multiācountry studies on issues of common interest and undertake such other activities as may be conducive to the fulfilment of the AFRACA objectives;
- Seek to interest lenders, local and international investors in opportunities for investment in rural and agricultural sectors for accelerated economic growth in the continent;
- Catalyze and create greater synergy through partnerships with local and international development partners to increase investment in the rural and agricultural sector;
- Foster cooperation in planning and improving financial inclusion for rural and agricultural development in Africa;
- Establish a broad base one stop virtual knowledge and information hub on rural & agricultural finance in the continent for knowledge management.
- Rural and Agriculture Finance
- Agricultural risk management
- Financial inclusion
- Environmental, Social and Governance
- Digital financial services (DFS)
- Climate finance and green economy
- Translation and interpretation
- Youth and Women empowerment in Agriculture
- Communication and Knowledge management
- Availability and ability to be ready for an assignment,
- Availability of skilled staff for firms and individuals with not less than 5 years of experience in similar areas described above. Attach individual CVs and cover letters describing qualifications and past experiences in the concerned areas of activities.
- Attach relevant copies of certifications, degrees and any relevant certifications documents,
- Valid copies of certificate of incorporation/registration, tax compliance, relevant licenses for local firms/ individuals and equivalent for foreign firms.
2. Thematic areas
The Call is directed to professionals with background and proven experience in the following areas;
3. Minimum Short-listing Criteria
4. Clarification and Submission of EOI
The āCall for Expression of Interestā is not related to a specific opening within our team. It is aimed at strengthening our roster of consultants we draw from as needs arise in the future.
All relevant documents relating to the EOI and any correspondence shall be in the English Language. Interested firms and individuals may submit their applications with relevant documents relating to the EOI in a plain sealed envelope or via electronic mail clearly titled: āEOI NO: AFRACA/EOI/001/2023ā to the address indicated below:
Secretary General,
African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA) Kenya School of Monetary Studies (KSMS)
Noordin Road, Off Thika Superhighway
P.O. Box 41378-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Email : afraca@africaonline.co.ke
The applications should be received on or before 13th October 2023
Only shortlisted firms and/or individuals will be invited to submit detailed Request for Proposal (RFPs) for an assignment. Canvassing shall lead to disqualification.