Blog List 1 Column

Financial Literacy Transforms Refugee Livelihoods

By Tilda Nabbanja, Team Leader Financial Literacy, Bank of Uganda, and Mariam Zahari, Policy Specialist, AFI Bank of Uganda (BOU) has long considered financial literacy a crucial component for enhancing financial inclusion, requiring attention both on a national scale and for targeted vulnerable groups, including Uganda’s sizeable refugee population. With 1.4 million refugees and asylum seekers living within its borders, Uganda is...

Exploring Innovative Financial Services for Rural Women’s Livelihoods

The core of agricultural production is usually in rural areas where there is availability of land for farming. Rural women are highly engaged in agriculture and play critical roles across good systems unfortunately they continue to be disproportionately poor and financially underserved with only few financial service providers responding to their specific needs. How can rural women be supported to increase...

Agricultural Finance Corporation to support women-led Enterprises

The Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) in its Programme, Women Affirmative Access Window which promotes financial inclusion in agrifinance will in the next nine months extend Ksh. 1 billion loan to women agripreneurs in Kenya. Women will not be required to provide collaterals as a guarantee to get funding which is usually a big hindrance to access funding especially from financial institutions.... Fund Partners with Cooperative Bank, Kenya to finance Sustainable Agriculture Fund has entered into its first partnership in sub-Saharan Africa with the Co-operative Bank of Kenya by providing an investment amounting to USD 10 million to finance sustainable agriculture which includes practices such as sustainable use of natural resources, mitigating climate change impacts to agriculture and protecting biodiversity. The partnership will enable the Bank to provide sustainable credit services to...


AFRACA convened its 21st General Assembly which was held virtually from 24th-25th February 2021. The Assembly brought together all AFRACA member institutions from all sub-regions in Africa to deliberate on the impact of post covid relief measures by financial institutions, rural finance impact indicators and election of new Executive Committee Members. Dr. Jesimen Chipika, Deputy Governor Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe was...

AFRACA Holds its 21st General Assembly

The African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA) convened its 21st General Assembly virtually from 24th-25th February 2021. The Assembly brought together all AFRACA member institutions to usher in a new leadership and discuss the strategic direction of the Association in the next phase of its operations (2021-2025). The first session, titled ‘Are we on track towards COVID-19 Recovery?’, identified best...
