L'AFRACA fait ses adieux au Dr Patrick Njoroge

As Dr. Patrick Njoroge’s tenure came to a close at the Central Bank of Kenya, CBK, AFRACA gives special tribute and remembers his strong commitment and willingness to support the Associations’ activities. Dr. Njoroge was appointed the ninth Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya on June 26, 2015 with his eight year tenure as CBK boss coming to an end this June.   During his tenure as Central Bank Governor, the banking sector in Kenya went from strength to strength,...

L'AFRACA participe à l'étude de marché FinRegLab et CIS Kenya sur le renforcement de l'utilisation de données alternatives pour avoir un impact sur l'inclusion financiÚre, la concurrence sur le marché et la protection des consommateurs au Kenya.

The Market Insight study was based on wide consultations with industry stakeholders over a five-month period. The study centered on the Kenya credit ecosystem and the implications of using alternative data (non-traditional) to prudently extend credit access to micro and small enterprises (MSE’s) in Kenya. The study acknowledges the availability of pockets of alternative data (not-traditional) available in different forms and structure such as data from payment service providers, transactional data from supermarkets, utility firms etc, supply chain data among others....

La Banque centrale du Kenya accueille la réunion du Comité exécutif de l'AFRACA

The AFRACA Executive Committee, EXCOM continued to exercise its oversight role to ensure proper governance of the Association. As has been the norm, the EXCOM meets twice every year. It was full house as the Central Bank of Kenya hosted the 88th AFRACA EXCOM meeting in Nairobi with all sub-regional chairpersons represented. In her opening statement, the Chairperson made note of the expanded membership of EXCOM which now includes representatives from smaller institutions under the new governing principle that seeks to...


The African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA) is an association (regional network) of financial institutions that provide financial services to the rural population in Africa, with few affiliated non-financial institutions. Membership is open and consists of but not limited to the following categories of institutions: Central Banks; Central Bank similar institutions; Agricultural and Development Banks; Commercial Banks; Microfinance Institutions; Apex Organizations such as Microfinance Networks and Sacco’s; Universities; Training Institutions and Research Institutions; Insurance organisations; Ministerial agencies dealing in...


Background Information The African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA) is an association (regional network) of financial institutions involved in providing financial services to the rural population in Africa. AFRACA is a one‐stop heterogeneous network of over 110 members, spread across the African Continent. Membership is open and consists but not limited to the following categories of institutions: Central Banks; Central Bank similar institutions; Agricultural and Development Banks; Commercial Banks; Microfinance Institutions; Apex Organizations such as Microfinance Networks and SACCOs; Universities;...

La BRB accueille la conférence régionale de l'AFRACA sur la gestion des risques financiers et agricoles 

In collaboration with the Banque de la République du Burundi (BRB)  the African Rural & Agricultural Crédit Association (AFRACA) jointly organized the Regional Conference on Financial & Agricultural Risk Management on New Trends & Development in Managing Agricultural Risks in a Post-pandemic COVID era on the 27-28 March 2023 at the Zion Hotel  in Bujumbura, Burundi. The meeting was officially opened by the Mr. Dieudonné MURENGERANTWARI, Governor of la Banque de la République du Burundi (BRB). A total of 100 participants attended...

L'AFRACA rend une visite de courtoisie au nouveau gouverneur de la Banque de Tanzanie. Tient des réunions stratégiques avec les institutions membres en Tanzanie.

At the start of the year, AFRACA Secretary General Mr. Thomas Essel paid a courtesy call to the newly appointed BoT Governor, Emmanuel Tutuba. During the visit Mr. Essel congratulated the Governor on his recent appointment. Mr. Tutuba becomes the eighth governor to take charge of BoT. Prior to his new role, Mr. Tutuba was the permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Planning.  During the visit, the Governor reiterated his support to AFRACA and his priority areas of focus...

Technologies intégrées et circulaires pour les systÚmes alimentaires urbains durables en Afrique (INCiTiS) - Le projet FOOD démarre à Nairobi.

The INCiTiS-FOOD project is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. The project brings together 24 partners across 14 countries in Europe and Africa mainly from Academia. INCiTiS-FOOD aims to improve food and nutrition security in African city regions, develop sustainable food systems and reduce the environmental footprint. To achieve these goals, the project will identify best- fit agri-food technologies, practices, and novel business models focused on soilless crop farming, recirculating aquaculture systems, and insect farming. The...

L'AFRACA organise l'atelier de formation inaugural DIG4RAF

Digital financial platforms are an essential part of the digitalization agenda developed to enhance financial inclusion in developing countries. AFRACA continued with its digital transformation agenda by hosting the inaugural DIG4RAF Practitioner-led training Workshop at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies, 20 -24th March 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. By bringing together key practitioners and partners in space, the training workshop took a deep dive into some of the promising and emerging approaches in the rural and agricultural finance landscape. The main objective was...

Regional Conference on Financial & Agricultural Risk Management

Theme: New trends and Developments in Managing Agricultural Risks in a post-pandemic -COVID era. Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) and the role of financial institutions  Smallholder farmers in Africa are often highly vulnerable to farm risks and uncertainties. The range of risks affecting farming households are wide- ranging from difficulties in acquiring farm inputs to major weather-related risks such as drought, floods, windstorms and hail. Inherent risks such as production risks, price and market-related risks just to name a few, remain dominant. The...
