Innovation Call: Water & Energy for Food (WE4F)

Theme: Scaling Business Solutions for Water and Energy for Food Deadline: 15th June 2021 WE4F is an international initiative that aims to support growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the water, energy and food sectors. WE4F is looking for promising and innovative businesses working at the nexus of water, energy and food in East Africa. Entrepreneurs from Water-Energy-Food businesses who would like to scale and increase their impact on food security, gender and poverty reduction in an environmentally sustainable way are highly...

AfDB Call for Proposals: Enhancing Women Entrepreneurship Enablers for Stronger Women SMEs in Africa

Deadline: 30th May 2021 The African Development Bank (AfDB) under its flagship project, Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) aims to bridge $42 billion financing gap for women entrepreneurs in Africa by leveraging on the Bankā€™s financial instruments through the AFAWA Guarantee for Growth, an innovative mechanism derisking women entrepreneurs and enhancing Financial Institutionsā€™ appetite in lending to Women Small and Medium Enterprises (WSMEs). These financial mechanisms are supported by the Bank through technical assistance to financial institutions and WSMEs...

Call for Proposals: Impact and Innovation in Commodity Value Chains

Deadline: 15th April, 2021 The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) is seeking applications for project financing from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), producer organizations, government agencies, cooperatives and enterprises to increase sustainable productive capacity and incomes of farmers/traders in the commodity dependent developing countries. The CFC provides a range of financial instruments mainly loans for equipment, working capital , or trade finance to introduce new innovations and practices in the value chain. Do you have a proposal with innovative solutions for the commodity...