As Dr. Patrick Njorogeā€™s tenure came to a close at the Central Bank of Kenya, CBK, AFRACA gives special tribute and remembers his strong commitment and willingness to support the Associationsā€™ activities. Dr. Njoroge was appointed the ninth Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya on June 26, 2015 with his eight year tenure as CBK boss coming to an end this June.  

During his tenure as Central Bank Governor, the banking sector in Kenya went from strength to strength, expanding significantly with better business models focused on serving the financial needs of all Kenyans. His leadership in steering the banking sector during a period that experienced a myriad of financial shocks will be fondly remembered. Among the highlights of his reign at the Bank included introduction of the Banking Sector Charter whose role was to entrench discipline in the banking sector, credit relief measures during the Covid-19 pandemic and efforts to streamline the digital lending sector to curtail predatory lending practices.

In his parting message, the Governor recognized the critical role played by the financial sector in supporting Kenya and Africa’s economic transformation and urged the recommitment of the sector in shared prosperity.

We extend our heartfelt thanks and well wishes to Dr. Njoroge on his future endeavors, as we also take the opportunity to welcome and congratulate Dr. Kamau Thugge E.B.S., M.B.S., C.B.S the tenth Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya.

Photo: Dr. Patrick Njoroge (centre), Mr. Thomas Essel, AFRACA Secretary General (extreme right) and delegates during the opening of the AFRACA DIG4RAF Conference, Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, May 16th, 2022